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Slave TTL on YN565 from YN568EX II Master

I find the naming and compatibility of Yongnuo flashes quiet confusing. As far as i figured out a YN565 will work with TTL on a Nikon Camera, but not on a Canon. But will TTL work off camera with a ...
user2664856's user avatar
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Can I trigger Yongnuo YN-622N and YN-622C together at the same time?

I am a Nikon user and my friend uses Canon. If we use Yongnuo YN-622N & YN-622C can we trigger both the Nikon and Canon flashes at the same time?
Remus Rigo's user avatar
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My Camera responds slowly to my external Flash. How can I synchronize my Flash light response with my Canon 4000D?

I bought a speedlight for my 4000D Canon camera. A "Digitalmart" Canon flash to be precised. Fortunately, they work hand in hand, both devices interact with each other. The camera reads that a flash ...
Ogunlesi Taiwo's user avatar