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3 votes
1 answer

Triggering Canon Speedlite manually

I was planning to take a fake multiple-exposure picture: use a dark room, long exposure time, and manually trigger a flash for each exposure. But can I trigger my Canon Speedlite 430EX II manually ...
Jukka Suomela's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Will the "Pixel Knight TR-332" radio flash trigger work with a Canon 350D?

I am using a Canon 350D/XT and found some information on web that the Pixel Knight TR-332 radio flash may be incompatible with that particular Canon camera due to ...
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3 votes
1 answer

How do I read the flash distance scale on the Canon 580EX II?

My Canon 580EX II has a distance scale running from 0.5m to 18m. When the flash is in manual mode, a single segment of the distance scale illuminates to indicate the maximum effective range for my ...
gjb's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Re-attach Canon Speedlite Wide Panel (diffuser)

I am renting a Canon Speedlite 580EX II. I had the pull-out Wide Panel (aka diffuser) out and, and when I went to push it back in I noticed that it was very, very loosely attached to its little black ...
Nathan G.'s user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Canon 30D + speedlight not synching properly

My 30D + 340EX has started acting up. About half the time the flash doesn't synch properly, leaving some portion of the frame incorrectly exposed (sometimes the top doesn't get flash, sometimes the ...
David Wolever's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

How can I get proper flash exposure in AV mode without using ETTL?

I have a Canon 5D Mark II and normally shoot with natural light (I try to stay away from flash). However, I am taking on more situations where I need to use my hotshoe flash (Canon Speedlite 580 EX II)...
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14 votes
4 answers

What was my flash power?

When I am using a Canon flash in the E-TTL mode, how can I tell which flash power the E-TTL magic chose? For example, if I got a correct exposure in the E-TTL mode, can I easily choose the same flash ...
Jukka Suomela's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

What is the best way to trigger a Canon 550EX speedlite in a studio?

I want to try my hand at off-camera flash for some indoor portraits. How should I trigger the speedlite (Canon 550EX)? Should I go for wired or wireless? What's the difference between a TTL cable and ...
Ken's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Can I use my old Canon Speedlite 277T with my new Canon dSLR?

Actually it's my dad's flash that he bought many many moons ago to use with his old Canon T70. I don't have a flash but have borrowed his to try out, but he mentioned that some flashes will send too ...
Jeeby's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What third party Speedlites work best with Canon?

I am currently picking out a flash (speedlite) for Canon XSI. There is a number of third party flashes available from manufacturers other than Canon. They all claim to be Canon compatible but I have ...
xsaero00's user avatar
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18 votes
7 answers

Can a Nikon/Canon flash be used on the other brand of camera?

I was just thinking about this problem and was wondering if anyone knew if/how to use a competing flash unit (EX or SB series) on a Nikon or Canon (respectively) camera. I would assume a lot of the ...
newfie_coder's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why does my 420EX Speedlite sometimes fail to start up?

I have a Canon 420EX Speedlite that sometimes won't start up. When it's not working, it behaves as if it didn't have any batteries in it... just totally dead. The odd thing is, it doesn't seem to be ...
cabbey's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

More powerful battery for on camera flash on Canon 5dMkII

I don't shoot weddings or enough events a year to warrant forking out the money for a full Quantum flash/battery yet. I am trying to decide if I should either go ahead and get the Quantum battery ...
Doc Walker's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Why does my old Quantaray flash not work on my newer Canon DSLR?

I have an older Quantaray QTB-7500A flash with the Canon TTL module. I used this with my old Canon EOS Elan 35mm which died a few years back. I recently bought a Canon Rebel XSi, because I could use ...
BillN's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How do I stop my Canon Speedlite (430exii) from going to sleep? (auto power off)

I want to use my Speedlite flash as my main flash off-camera and fire it remotely (with cactus V2 triggers) but I find it really annoying when the camera just goes to sleep and I have to walk over and ...
matt burns's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Inexpensive flash with full ETTL support

I've been planning to get the Canon 430EX, but I'd love to save a little cash, so I started looking at other 3rd party flashes. I've found a few that claim to have ETTL II support, but being so much ...
chills42's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

What are the advantages of the Canon 580EX II over the 430EX II?

I want to purchase a Speedlite for my Canon DSLR, but am curious to whether I need to spend the extra dollars to get the top of the line 580EX II over the more affordable 430EX II. What are the ...
Scott Ferguson's user avatar

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