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2 answers

Canon M50 showing aperture f22 using Sigma 18-300mm f3.5-6.3 [duplicate]

EDIT: not sure how to delete my post but I just realized the numbers represent the minimum f number, so this makes sense! I recently purchased both a Canon M50 and Sigma 18-300m f3.6-6.3 I understood ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why does my lens aperture stop working a few hours after attaching the lens?

I recently purchased a used Sigma 105mm f2.8 DG OS Macro lens, and when I tested it during the purchase everything worked fine. A few hours later when I tried it again, I noticed that my pictures were ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why am I able to set wider aperture than my lens technically allows? [duplicate]

I'm practicing with Sigma 28 - 300mm f/3.5 - 6.3 Macro lens. And the thing I've noticed is that at 300mm focal length my aperture can be set to as wide as f/5.6. And EXIF data confirms it: I'm ...
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2 answers

Is Sigma 150-600mm f 5-6.3 contemporary "F4-5.6" on Crop Sensor?

I bought Sigma 150-600mm f5-6.3 Contemporary DG OS HSM Lens for my Crop Sensor Canon 1300D. What I've noticed is that it gives me max aperture of f5.6 at 600MM instead of f6.3 and f4.5 at 150mm on my ...
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2 answers

what is the camera fstop and lens fstop correlation? [duplicate]

my sigma 50-500mm DG lens has range of f 4.5 - f 6.3, but in my Canon 70D camera I can still set fstop to 22 in manual mode. 1)How these two correlate? 2)Would a f22 setting in camera will have no ...
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1 answer

Which Low light zoom lens with image stabilization for DSLR [closed]

Recently started doing some DSLR videos for a website. For testing purposes I got a t5i with Sigma 50mm 1.4F lens. Most videos are in low-light settings. I've been using a tripod and it's worked ...