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Baby photo shoot lens selection

I am planning on doing a homemade baby photography for a 3-week-old baby (my daughter :)). I count on a Nikon D40 (I know, need to upgrade!) and 2 lenses: 18-105mm and a fixed 50mm f1.8. Which lens ...
samyb8's user avatar
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What's the best lens for shooting baby and kids with a DX Nikon?

I have a Nikon D5100 and want to see whats the best lens for shooting pictures of a baby and kids running around inside and outside? I would like to stay under $1,000. Thanks for the help.
Jason's user avatar
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12 answers

What is the best Canon lens (around $500) for taking pictures of my newborn?

I have a Canon T2i, a 50mm f/1.8 and the kit lens (18-55mm). I'm considering buying a new lens for more flexibility with taking pictures of my upcoming newborn. I LOVE the 50mm/1.8 lens, but on the 1....
midas06's user avatar
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