Linked Questions

2 votes
3 answers

Is it dangerous to take pictures of the sun without any filter? [duplicate]

I captured this photo a few minutes ago : The circle you see is the Sun :|. When I was taking this picture, I was in Live-View Mode with ...
Kermia's user avatar
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Will I hurt my camera if I take a picture of the Sun? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can the sun damage the camera sensor? Under what conditions? Title says it all...can taking a picture of the sun damage any of the components? And along the same lines, is it ...
qJake's user avatar
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Can I take pictures of the sun without damaging anything? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can the sun damage the camera sensor? Under what conditions? .. and by that I mean not damaging : my eyesight my camera my lens I imagine a proper ND filter could allow me ...
Andrei Rînea's user avatar
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How safe is it to photograph sunset or sunrise? [duplicate]

I took the following photographs of sunset at beach. I know that photographing sun could damage the camera or even eyes, but the intensity of the sun light at the time I captured it was so weak that I ...
Meysam's user avatar
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Is this a good rule to know when I can shoot the sun? "if the sun is not too bright to look at with naked eye, then it's not too bright for a DSLR" [duplicate]

Most of what I have read about this, say that whether or not the sun is bright enough to harm the DSLR, depends on a lot of factors e.g. time of day, cloud cover etc. What setting aperture, shutter ...
silverrahul's user avatar
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Can I damage my Sony a6300 sensor if the sun is in my photo? [duplicate]

I took a few photos this weekend of a mountain range, and the sun was up above them, off to the top right for most of the photos. I was taking these photos (moving the angle around and whatnot) for ...
Stuart Weir's user avatar
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Is exposing my DSLR to a very intense source of direct light bad? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Can the sun damage the camera sensor? Under what conditions? Can a laser pointer damage the sensor in a digital camera? I'm wondering (mainly out of curiosity) if it is ...
anthonyvd's user avatar
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Does a faster than usual lense require a stronger solar filter to prevent damage than is usually advised [duplicate]

I know it's usually said you need a 16-20 stop reduction 'solar' filter to safely take pictures of the sun. Any modern camera is going to usually meter and compose fully open for the sake of easier ...
davolfman's user avatar
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Protecting from sun when taking pictures [duplicate]

I've read that taking picture of the sun without protection is a recipe for trouble both for the lens and for the shooter's eyes... I took this kind of picture this morning, do you think it's ...
Andy M's user avatar
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8 answers

How can I photograph welding?

My partner is creating a sculptural work using MIG welding and has asked me to document the process. I have a few questions regarding how to photograph it? Looking at the arc can damage your eye-...
fmark's user avatar
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4 answers

Can it be dangerous to look at the sun through the viewfinder?

A few minutes ago I went outside to take a panorama on my lawn with my DSLR, but I accidentally looked at the sun through the viewfinder. Is that dangerous? I just saw a black spot for about 30 ...
Tornado 77's user avatar
18 votes
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What are the pros and cons of mechanical vs electronic shutter?

I recently bought a new camera that has a choice between using a mechanical shutter or an electronic shutter. (A Panasonic FZ300 if it matters.) I tried taking a few pictures each way and I see no ...
Jay's user avatar
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12 votes
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How many pictures can you take with a Sony mirrorless camera before the sensor fails? [duplicate]

What is the frames limit of the mirrorless cameras sensor? When should it be changed (for example on the Sony a6000 series or on the Sony a7)?
David Kirilov's user avatar
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What kind of filter do I need for safe sun photography?

I'm a novice photographer but I'm really interested in Astrophotography. Since I don't want to go full equipment, spending too much, without knowing the basis, I need to ask for help here on Stack. I ...
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How long is too long to leave the shutter open before prolonged exposure to light damages the sensor?

I'm about to start exploring the world of long exposure shots, using my Canon EOS M. The camera has a standard max exposure time of 30 seconds, but in bulb mode I can keep the shutter open ...
CLockeWork's user avatar
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Can the sun damage the sensor on a mirrorless camera?

I'm researching a good technique for taking pics of the upcoming solar eclipse and I want to use my Sony NEX-6 mirrorless camera. I found this question here from 2010 but no one brings up mirrorless ...
Dan Mantyla's user avatar
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Can a camera or lens get burn in?

I took a picture of the sun today, and I was thinking about how the sun can damage your eye, I was wondering if the camera or lens could get damaged by this, or get burn in like some screens do?
JD Isaacks's user avatar
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How to fix an image sensor damaged by long sun exposures?

I took a number of shots of the sun during mid-afternoon and now all my images have pink spot where the sun was. Is there anyway to fix this, or is it permanently damaged? The camera was pointed at ...
cmcginty's user avatar
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Do I need a special filter to shoot candles without damaging my sensor?

The guy from the photo shop pointed out to me that I need special filters if I want to shoot directly to the sun with long exposures in order to not ruin the sensor. Is this the same when I shoot ...
Ilian Iliev's user avatar
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Do you need a solar filter for a wide-angle camera?

I'm trying to photograph the eclipse and we already have a solar filter for our telephoto lens. However, we have two cameras so we might as well use them. I've spent a fair amount of time searching ...
user3768258's user avatar
8 votes
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How to take photos of a solar eclipse without damaging one's eyes or camera?

This upcoming May parts of the USA will experience a solar eclipse. So this leads to me wondering how you photograph the sun/solar eclipses and ensure that you do not damage the camera (or your eyes)?...
L84's user avatar
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What will happen to a camera if the relative humidity drops to less than 35%?

What will happen to a camera that is stored in an environment with a very low relative humidity? Will the camera crack, or what will happen? Will it be the same for DSLRs, non-weatherproof point &...
Jack's user avatar
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Do I still need filters for photographing landscape under an eclipse, if I'm not zooming in on the sun itself?

Context: I find myself due to be in the path of the upcoming annular solar eclipse. This was unplanned and I am unable to get a proper filter delivered on time. The general consensus on the internet ...
Semaphore's user avatar
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At which focal lengths is it ‘safe’ to have the sun in frame?

I've seen both beautiful wide angle pictures that include the sun as well as camera damage from pointing long lenses at the sun. At which focal lengths is it safe to have the sun in frame? assuming ...
lijat's user avatar
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Is a strong ND filter a safe alternative to a "disposable" solar filter for eclipse photography? [duplicate]

I'm starting to gear up for next April's total eclipse since this time around they were considerate enough to route the path of totality near where I live. I've also never actually seen anything near ...
Jules's user avatar
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Can Low speed shutter damage Camera in Bright light?

Can low speed shutter like 20sec in "Bright Light Condition" Damage the Camera? "Bright light condition" mean artificial lights and Indirect sunlight. Just like a picture tooked in a bright room with ...
said h's user avatar
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Can the sun damage a point and shoot camera's sensor even when it is off?

In a point and shoot camera, is the sensor exposed even when the camera is off? ie. If the camera is off, can the sun still damage the sensor?
user21596's user avatar
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Does focal length correlate to the required ND filter in sun photography?

I got my hands on an M42 500mm lens and want to try sun photography. I also have a 2x and a 3x converter, thus I'm able to get a focal length range of 500-3000mm. Back in the day I bought a Baader ...
me123's user avatar
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Shooting Solar Eclipse with an ND 100000 Marumi - Mirrorless Camera

My gear: Sony Alpha A6400 (1.5x crop) Mirrorless Camera, Sony 70-200mm f2.8 G lens @ 200mm (300mm after crop), Marumi ND 100,000 Filter. The mirrorless camera does not have a mirror in front of its ...
Niveth Kumar's user avatar
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What does an image from sun-damaged sensor actually look like?

There is obviously a great concern on the Net about getting ones image sensor sun damaged. I am getting interested in what such damage would look like. I have Googled around some to try to find an ...
Wirewrap's user avatar
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