Linked Questions

3 votes
5 answers

What are practical advantages of Compact cameras over DSLR? [duplicate]

In the past there was huge difference between amateur and professional cameras, but due to the market demand, companies are producing cheap professional (DSLR) cameras, and more advanced compact ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Comparing PowerShot SX160 and EOS 1100-D [duplicate]

It may sound weird – we are trying to compare a point-and-shoot with a dSLR. Why? I already have a low priced auto-focus camera with 4x zoom. Now, my aim is to take decent shallow DoF photos. The ...
LCJ's user avatar
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25 votes
10 answers

What makes a DSLR better than a Point & Shoot?

Why should I put up with the inconvenience of lugging around a DSLR? They look cool, but is there more substance to it?
mmccoo's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

Why don't compact digital cameras have the aperture range of DSLRs?

Why is it that on compact digital cameras the aperture never seems to go any smaller than about F8 ? Even on high-end compacts such as the Canon G10 or Panasonic LX5. Is there some practical or ...
Matthew Dresser's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

What do I need to consider to choose between dSLR, mirrorless, or a compact as my first "serious" camera?

I am thinking of buying a camera to learn photography. Most of the time I'll be shooting portraits and landscapes. But I am not sure where I should start. Most of my friends tell me that I should get ...
Kuan's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

What are the differences between a bridge camera and a DSLR?

What are the differences between a bridge camera and a DSLR?
Aquarius_Girl's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Beginner photography - Low end DSLR vs mid/high end Point and Shoot/P&S?

I am an beginner enthusiast and I don't want to become professional ever. However, I want to be able to shoot good quality photos that can be used for personal purposes or sold off to say people, ...
Erran Morad's user avatar
4 votes
8 answers

Is it possible to combine compact camera portability with professional SLR quality?

I am not an expert in photography, so please don't be too harsh on me if I am making absurd statements. My question is: Is it really possible to combine compact camera portability with professional ...
anar khalilov's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What does a more expensive camera offer over cheap ones — and why are they so much more expensive?

I have a point and shoot camera which cost 13k (about $200 US). Wedding photographers have cameras in the 500k range ($8000). What is the fundamental difference between our cameras? Why this huge ...
PrudhviRaj Siripurapu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Switch from T3i to Fuji X20? [duplicate]

I've had a Canon T3i for about a year now, getting it as an upgrade to a small Canon point-and-shoot. I mainly got the T3i for the additional shooting setting controls and the ability to change ...
user28320's user avatar