I have a NAS where I store all my photos. It's mapped to drive N: on Windows. When I import my photos with Lightroom, it defaults to the last export location, which is usually my NAS. So far so good.
Occasionally my NAS will temporarily not be visible on the network. When that happens, Lightroom picks a location on one of my local hard drives for the import, and then defaults to the local drive for subsequent imports until I notice. Then I have to move the files to the NAS and make sure my next import defaults to the NAS. Not terribly difficult, but if I don't notice for a few days, then I have a bunch of photos not on the NAS for awhile. I want them on the NAS because it uses RAID 1 to help protect from data loss if a hard drive fails.
Is there a way to make Lightroom NOT switch to my local hard drive if it temporarily cannot see the NAS, and instead give me an error message saying the import destination is not found?