I'd like to change aperture and keep the exposure consistent while taking multiple photos of one scene. I am aware of the exposure triangle. I know I need to increase ISO or decrease shutter speed by a stop if I decrease aperture by a stop.
I would meter for exposure and set it in a way that I like. For example ISO 200, F/2.8 and a shutter speed of 1/4000. Now, the scene changes and I want to use a smaller aperture, so I stop down to F/5.6, two stops down. I'd need to change my shutter speed to 1/1000 to keep the same exposure.
The scene sometimes changes very rapidly, so I want to do this in as little actions as possible. I'd like the shutter speed to automatically adjust when I twist the aperture wheel.
What I've found so far:
- I can set ISO, aperture and shutter time on a value using the dials, which is manual mode, but then I need to change both aperture and shutter time. The goal is to change just one and keep similar exposure.
- Program mode activates if I put ISO, aperture and shutter speed on A for auto, but this keeps metering for individual photos on. I would like to achieve a consistent look for all my photos and for ISO not to change (unless I want it to for HDR shots, but I can limit auto ISO to 800, so that's not an issue).
- ISO priority actives if I put the ISO on a value (for example 200). This gets me closer to the effect I want, but metering is still on.
- If I flip the aperture switch to manual and keep shutter speed on auto, the shutter speed will adjust, but I still do not have the same consistency in exposure throughout my photos.
(How) can I achieve consistent exposure through a shoot, with the camera automatically adjusting shutter time if I adjust aperture?