I have a Nikon D7000 with which I use dual SD cards. I have the camera configured to write the same images to both cards, in case one of the cards becomes unreliable. I accidentally let the two cards get out of sync, so I've been trying to merge the contents.
When I go to merge the files, however, the images with the same name, for example DSC_8850.NEF
have slightly different file dates (off by two seconds or so), and the file sizes don't match precisely. When I run a checksum (md5sum
) on the two files, I don't get the same result for both.
What gives? Why is it writing a slightly different image file on the second card? Both of them are being written as RAW NEF files.
How will I be able to differentiate between the situation where the two files are the same photograph, but differ in meaningless way, and the situation where two different photographs have the same filename?
Thanks a lot.