What you are observing is: Objects close to the camera reproduce large and object further from the camera reproduce small. This is not a digital thing vs. an analog thing, welcome to the world of “perspective”.
Fortunately, except for special technical applications, imaging with geometrically correct perspective is not a requirement.
To understand what is happing you need to know that perspective as seen on the photographic image intertwines the focal length of the lens, the degree of magnification applied to make the displayed image and the viewing distance, observer to displayed image.
I will try to explain: If you stand before a window, you can trace on the glass with wax pencil, the outlines of objects. This drawing reveals the “human” perspective. We can duplicate this outlook with the camera. We place the camera in the same location as was the human eye. We snap the picture. It makes no difference as to camera size or focal length. To replicate the “human” perspective we must view the resulting picture from a distance equal to the focal length of the taking lens. Given today’s miniature cameras, viewing from this distance, is likely impossible.
Impossible for two reasons: 1. Today’s miniature cameras yield tiny images that if not enlarged, are worthless. 2. The human eye can't focus on a picture held only 30 or so millimeters from the eye. What must we do to view?
We apply magnification (enlargement) and display the picture on a computer screen or TV screen or make a print on paper. Say we view on a screen 18 inches wide, that’s about 450mm. The typical compact digital sports an imaging chip that about 24mm wide. The degree of magnification applied is 450 ÷ 24 = 18 ¾ X.
Now the rest of the story - To view achieving the “human” perspective, we must back away from the displayed image. While not cast is stone, the correct viewing is the magnification applied multiplied by the focal length of the taking lens. Say this image was taken with a 30mm lens. We calculate the approximate correct viewing distance as 30 X 18.75 = 560mm (approximated) = 22 inches.
The bottom line is: Our camera images are never faithful. What we normally see is an incorrect perspective because we are likely never viewing from the proper viewing distance. Again, it is fortunate that our images need not replicate the “human perspective”. Allow me to add, we see using a combination of eye and brain. The image on the retina is upside down and its surface is a section of a sphere. From infancy we learn to fathom what we are looking at. Clearly this skill is the most honed of all our intellects. Photography does not even come close to making equivalent images. If we could, you would need to dawn sunglass when looking at a beach vista.