I have a Canon 60D, bought it back in 2013. Use it quite a while, but in past two-three years, I lost interest in photography. I will be going on a long trip this summer and would like to take a decent camera with me. Is Canon 60D still a decent one ...
It's a decent camera, even today. If you've 'lost interest' spending money is something you have to decide for yourself.
Take the camera and your lenses, possibly see if somewhere will rent a lens for a vacation or use the Internet to research somewhere to rent lenses at your destination (and read their Fine Print).
Bring your phone, a backup camera (and portable telephone) is handy while traveling.
... or I will be missing on features and upgrades comparing to the latest versions?
Yes, you're missing a bit. You can find out what by using 'Online Comparison Tools':
Once you determine what you're missing (not an awful lot) you can use the link suggested by @scottbb When should I upgrade my camera body? to decide if it's "worth it" - I opine no.
Since you have so few lenses another choice is to get out of Canon's two digit lineup and look elsewhere. If saving size and weight is your primary consideration then mirrorless is another option.
They make some compact mirrorless cameras like the M100, you should examine why you became disinterested and seek to fix that - without spending a lot of money.
In terms of lenses I own Tamron 24-70 2.8 And Canon 100 2.8 Macro.
See prior advice about renting, if it's an expensive trip (far away) a bunch of great (and different focal length) photos makes financial sense; to record your memories and increase the value of trip.
Spending money sounds like an easy fix, the question is: will it fix the problem?