I've recently gotten into film photography and I've been developing my own black and white negatives. I don't have access to a darkroom for optical printing, so I want to get my negatives scanned and in some cases printed.
I've been shopping around and noticed that getting pre-developed negatives scanned is often just as expensive as getting them developed and scanned! For example, today I took 36 negatives (cut and sleeved), to get scanned and printed, and the quote was $30AUD for prints only, but only $29AUD for develop+print. This honestly just doesn't make sense to me, as at the same place black and white develop only is $17AUD and I was wondering if there is a reason why? Another example is this place here: http://hillvale.com.au/pricelist where develop+scan and scan only both cost $10AUD for c-41. Thanks!