EDIT: To save from more replies to this, I'm not looking for alternative slow films - I just wanted to know whether it's possible to specifically process this one film that I have. I have tried a number of slow films, and I shan't be buying Dia Direct again.
I've just ordered a roll of Dia Direct ASA32 which should arrive in the next few days.
Had I been more forward thinking, I would have checked the process before hand as the only lab I've found which can process it charge about £65.
Considering this film expired in 1987 and I'm not sure how well it was stored, added to the cost of processing it, I'm not certain whether its worth shooting it.
Having seen the quality of the prints from this film, it's certainly tempting to use it, however I don't know how well this film holds up to storage.
I'm curious whether anybody has used this film in the past and what their opinions are of it. As I'm unfamiliar with it, I'm not sure whether it's worth taking a punt.
Having shot long expired colour film before, I don't mind some visual effects from aging, however when the cost is so high, its a lot to spend to satisfy my curiosity.
With it being such a slow film, I'm guessing it's less prone to degradation than films of ISO 200 and upward, but it's a costly experiment.