I've got a Canon 60D with a 30-70mm kit lens and a 50mm 1.8 along with a Yongnuo 568EX. I'm trying to improve on my event photography by creating a better balance between ambient and flash light.
I'd like to shoot with ISO 100, but I've read that in order to get the lighting balance I should meter for the background first, then Underexposing that slightly use the flash (bounced) on TTL to light the subject(s).
I shoot in manual but here's what I find: I have to crank my exposure up to 800 or beyond to get a meter on the ambient light for most of the indoor conference/seminar events I shoot at and I consider them well lit. My questions are:
- Is this the price I have to pay for a crop-sensor mid-level camera and lens?
- Do you have any advice beyond getting new gear that will assist me to shoot within a reasonable Iso and still get a good ambient/flash mix.