If these are Kodachrome slides you'll need the Nikon 9000 Coolscan. No longer made but available on EBay.
The IR surface scanning system (which is what removes scratches) in the 9000 is completely different than the others you mention and was specifically designed for Kodachrome. You can't use the dust and scratch removal features on the other scanners without noticeable image degrading. The ROC (restore old color) feature has been improved as well.
A search of reputable photo sites will reveal the details. This is one example from https://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/3213530:
However, for Kodachrome, one should distinguish between:
the "regular" version for Digital ICE
and the "Professional" Version of digital ICE (which is available only on few scanners; for example it is available for the NIKON Coolscan D9000; but according to my information it is not available for the NIKON Coolscan D5000).
While both the "regular" and the "professional" versions of Digital ICE work for Kodachrome slides, the "regular" version of DIGITAL ICE very often intereprets for Kodachrome slides small subject-details as scratches or dust and removes them or blurs them. This becomes apparent when viewing small details of the scan results at a 100% magnification (for example when viewing small details of architectral photos at a 100% magnification).