I am thinking at the moment of the possibility to take a black and white picture with a color film.
I know that one can develop a color film as a black and white film (with varying results), and also that one can take a color negative and print it black and white.
My goal is really to have a color film, handle it as a color film, and have a black and white picture in the end. I mean, having on the same negative some pictures being black and white and some pictures being color. I am trying to have somehow a "black and white filter" for my analog color film, the same way one would have a "black and white filter" on a digital camera.
A quick search on the web did not yield any interesting results. Actually, at the moment, I am not even sure it is physically feasible. I know that there are many ways to achieve similar goal, but I am really wondering how feasible it is to mix black and white and color on the same film (no matter the result in the end and even if using dedicated films is better).
EDIT: Some extra infos about my final goal, so that the question may be clearer. You may know Times Square black-and-white with yellow cabs photos. I am wondering how I could take such a photo using only film camera techniques, which means never digitize the image at any time. I was thinking about techniques to actually have the photo on a negative, or to post-process it and get the result at print time. For now, my best bet is to take a black and white and a color picture and to print them carefully.