Recently, I've been trying to use a Sony ILCE-5000 to take 2 photos per second. The camera trigger is done remotely via USB using a computer, the problem is that on a single shot, the camera takes 2 seconds to process the image.
Then I decided to try Cont. Shooting and Spd Priority Cont modes and both take 2 or more photos for each camera trigger, and then the camera gets blocked for around a second, so I can't get the 2 photos per second. I'm using libgphoto2 in case someone knows how to use it, and can help me.
I would like to know how to limit the photos of the Cont. shooting mode so I don't block the camera, or how to set the parameters to achieve 2 photos per second. Keep in mind that the photos are not saved in the camera sd, but in my computer via USB.