I'm making a time-lapse video in a place with very low light conditions. Each photo has an exposure of 20 seconds and my camera take 10 seconds more to process the image. This means, 2 frames per minute, and 120 per hour.
If I want a frame rate of 30 photos per second, I will only be able to make 4 seconds per hour of photographing.
My camera battery will only last 2 hours as much, so the maximum lenght of the video would be 8 seconds. That is too few.
So, I tought I could make up frames between the real photos. If I make 1 "inter" frame, the total lenght of the video would be the double.
Do you know any software to do that easily? Is it possible to to that using imagemagick? Thanks!
EDIT* - In response to the comments
10 seconds (14 after I counted them) of processing time because my camera is not DSLR so the processor is slower (I'm actually using CHDK to increase the exposure time). I'm shooting in JPEG so the time to write in he memory card is less than a second.
About the external power supply, how to do that in a SX210 IS? Better battery, no money right now (I'm in college).
I want a video of at least 30 seconds (less is kind of boring). And I want a frame rate of 24 or more to make the video smooth.
About the inter frames, those would be the average between the frames in the left and in the right (it's fine because the subjects are mainly clouds).
Found out a great function of imagemagick
convert input1.JPG input2.JPG -average output.JPG
Thanks to jrista's answer, this is my last composition: