I am doing a project for a client and I need to manipulate a photograph; either by photoshop or by taking the shot at a specific angel/lens.
My goal is to turn all the quadrants of photos into a cube (6 faces) while constraining to client demand.
Here are the photos aligned as an open faced cube:
http://prntscr.com/avdj9t Now if you already figured it out, this folds and becomes a box.
Another thing that the client wants is to have the edges of every face connect perfectly so in this photo all the faces are interconnected:
This image when rotated, can fit any of it's neighbouring faces, as you can see: http://prntscr.com/avdk45
So essentially, the question is: how do I create a photo like this where the end result would be a folded cube that all its faces interconnect forming a printed cube with a person inside it. Thanks
Sorry for not posting more photos here since stack has a limit of 2 photos until get 10 points (sheesh)
thanks again :)