OK, so I really don't want to sound like an neophyte asking about which lens to buy, but I've done a fair amount of research and I'm really unsure which is the best route to take. I have a D5200 and I'm heading out West with a group of guys for canyoning, rafting, rock climbing, and mountain climbing.
What got me inspired with photography, were Jimmy Chin's photos. I already love all of those aforementioned activities, but being able to capture them is something I'd love to be able to do. The following photos by Jimmy Chin represent what I hope to accomplish someday:
Now I'm going to be doing all of the activities as well, just with a somewhat different purpose, so my kit needs to be light (can't take five lenses up the rock face). I currently have the 18-55 kit lens, and my budget is approx. $500 (at the moment, still in college).
Based on what I've read, a 35mm 1.8 prime is recommended, as well as a zoom (thinking about the 55-200 4.5), if you already have the kit lens. Then I've also read that, if you want to get those crispy, awe-inspiring, story telling landscape shots, you need a wide angle lens, which from what I can tell are all over my budget.
Anyone advice is appreciated.