I want to see how my photo would look like on A2 paper. I do not want to spoil large sheet, so I would like to use A4 or even smaller to print part of my image with the same scale/resolution as it would be printed on A2. How to achieve this? Lightroom solution is preferable, but Photoshop would work as well.
What I did is I set A2 paper size in Page Setup in LR, inserted A4 sheet and started printing. What I see that indeed image was printed in A2 scale, but what confused me is that printing head was moving all the way from the left side of the printer to the right - as it would printed A2. I can't check whether it actually printed outside of the A4 paper (I don't want inks to be spoiled that way and printer corrupted). I use Epson SC-P800 printer.
What is the correct way to achieve this?