I'm trying to make a timelapse video. I do have all the shots (6500) and would like to make a short 30 FPS video (max 30 seconds). 6500 shots at 30 FPS makes a 200 seconds video more or less.
If I use fewer pictures I end up with frames containing people that appear only on single frames.
What I would like to do is to use all images and sort of blend them together, so that the person is visible on more frames.
For instance, let's say a set of 10 images. Dude1 is present on pictures 1-5 and dude 2 is present on pictures 3-10. My desire is that both guys are present in the same frame.
Also something like a "persisting frame" effect would be interesting, so that each frame is overlaid on the next frames for a fraction of a second.
Is there any software that can do this?
I'm on a PC.