I'm a novice photographer looking for a wide/ultra-wide lens to attach to my iPhone 6 Plus for use during a vacation. I know nothing about these lenses and how to use them, except that they seem to be able to 'fit more' into a frame - I'm hoping this will make my photos and videos (which are likely to be landscapes, shots of busy streets, tourist spots, markets, etc, in a big European city) somehow more immersive and engrossing.
I'm trying to choose between the Olloclip Active Lens (http://www.olloclip.com/product/iphone6-active/), which has an ultra-wide, and a Moment Wide (http://momentlens.co/shop/wide-lens/?device=iphone-6).
The OlloClip seems to be an ultra-wide. Is this generally better for my purposes than a wide, given that I'll be using the lens for all shots, and not just special ones? There does seem to be a lot of barrel distortion on photos taken by these lenses, which I don't think I like. Would this lens be suitable for use on all photos and videos I take? The Moment Lens, on the other hand, promises no barrel distortion and seems a higher-end lens in general, but it's a wide lens and not an ultra-wide one.
Should I prioritize ultra-wide over wide, or the lack of barrel distortion and generally better quality, for my purposes?