I own Lightroom 5 and I've been running a quite stable workflow for several years, including calibration of the monitor and the printer. In the past I printed my photos on my own and I was pleased with the results. I used to print by exporting photos to Photoshop one by one. Having calibrated both the monitor and the printer, I just needed to change the whitepoint before printing to match my specific lighting conditions for looking at the prints.
The problem is that the process was taking too long, and in the end I can't do it any longer. I've accumulated hundreds of photos to print in recent years.
That's why I'm now looking at a printing lab capable to process my photos. I've tried a couple ones and I think I've found a possibly good one. In fact, it allows me to pre-elaborate the JPEGs, including the colour profile to use in printing, and they guarantee a "raw" printing without any further elaboration. They of course provide the profiles for their printers. Now the residual problem is still whitepoint adjustment. I can't afford to export photos to Photoshop one by one, so I need something that works in batch mode, possibly in the Lightroom workflow.
To prepare JPEGs for printing, I use the "Print" panel that allows me also to specify the layout, the paper background colour, etc. It allows me to specify the target ICC profile, also to apply a quick brightness and contrast adjustment... but I don't see any other adjustment.
To be clear: the whitepoint adjustment to be made is the same for each photo, but relative. I mean: I don't have to apply "5696 K" to all the photos (I could do that with batch editing), since each photo has its own whitepoint; I need to increment the temperature of each photo of say 1500K to have cooler colours in the prints.
I appreciate any suggestion. The use of a third party Lightroom plugin would be ok, as well as even an external tool that could work with the JPEGs exported from the Print pane, assuming it won't change anything else and won't damage their quality.