Yesterday I made some attempts to get started on star photography before I go on my trip. I believe I will have a lot of chances to do that kind of photography and wanted to make sure I got a hang of how to do it before I left.
This is the image I ended up taking in front of my house.
I wasn't satisfied with the outcome and I figured some of the things I could do better. Could you provide input on what else I can do to improve this photo, I am going to try again tonight.
EXIF: f 3.5 ISO 100, 30 sec exposure.
The things I have understood so far: The street light throwing a yellow light on the house wasn't helpful, I tried to use it as a light source to light up my foreground. I should be looking for a location which has less light pollution.
What else can I do better?
How can I make the house in the foreground sharper? I was using a tripod on a timer.
Also I was hoping to see more stars in the background, not sure why it didn't happen probably because of the cloudy nature of the night, I would love to get more info from people who have done this already.