This is my first time learning to use a light meter.
Measuring ambient seems to be working and straight forward. However measuring the flash seems to be broken. I have it set to wait for a flash. When I triggered the flash with my camera, a reading came out. So it seems to have picked up the flash.
So I would get a reading of F/5.6 for example, with ISO3200 and 1/30 shutter speed. It would even tell me that flash is 60% of the light contribution. Seems to make sense but the weird thing is, when I adjust the power of the flash, it doesn't change the readings at all. What am I missing here? I would adjust the power of the flash up and down by 3-4 stops and still nothing.
Everything is in manual mode. My camera was in manual mode, flash is manual power.
I'm using a Sekonic SEL758DR