I've been asked to take some pictures at my sister-in-law's outdoor wedding. She likes the pictures I've posted over the years of small kids & small birds. While that hardly qualifies me to do weddings, she's assured me that she understands I'm not a professional photographer. Hopefully the groom's family understands that as well...
So, I have some familiarity with portrait-style pictures, but the family & group shots worry me. From limited experience with neighborhood gatherings, it seems like pictures with ~15-20 people are a whole other type of photograph. I've read many of the pages on this site, such as Tips on getting group shots for family; those seem useful. When I use the Depth of Field calculator to estimate what a good aperture will be for my Canon APC-C (70D) camera, it's telling me that at 28mm and 15' away, f/4 gives 16 feet of acceptable sharpness. Does that seem right? 20mm at f/2.8 says the same. That makes it seem like having enough depth of field for the entire group should not be a problem, and I should worry most about lighting, and shooting enough pictures, with fast enough shutter speed, that I get one or two without blinking or talking. Does that sound right?