Is there any software which opens Digital Camera 'RAW' file format (size- 47 mb)? I tried Photoshop cs2 but it shows stretched pixels. I tried to import it in Erdas, it also shows error that 'Unsupported raster format'. I google it and found some softwares that opens, but with those softwares I can open only RAW files less than 20 mb. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
Note: This is Aerial photograph, from which I am going to do image classification. I got this 'RAW' file from client which is taken by 'UltraCam Xp-wa, S/N UC-SXp-wa-70814173' camera. They gave 'RAW' image file and corresponding 'dat' file and camera calibration report. But I don't know how to open and process it.