We're looking at booking a professional photographer for our wedding, but I am a little unhappy with assigning complete control of photos from our own wedding to a photographer.
The contract she offered allows her to retain copyright, and only grants us a license to print as-is. That is, if we want to turn a photo sepia, or black and white, or crop it, etc, we must obtain her written permission first.
Her reasoning, which I understand but still dislike, is that any modifications we make could reflect badly on her as a professional.
This makes me feel quite unconformable, especially because I am the type of person who would likely make use of these photos over coming years and for the rest of our lives.
So my questions are:
Is it reasonable to ask for copyright, or at least a non-exclusive license to the photos if we are paying for the service? (We are not asking a lower price, and her price is about the same as most other photographers here in Australia)
Is there some sort of licensing agreement that protects her from being hurt by any non-professional modifications we make, but also recognises her as the original photographer?
If we were to offer to pay more for her services, in return for copyright or a non-exclusive license, how much more than the asking price of $1500 would you expect?