I have a question about using Aperture on OS X.
I have taken a RAW picture (made with a K-5) of an arcade machine. While most of its surrounding is fairly well exposed, the lit areas are overexposed (i.e. the monitor and the top where its name is displayed in bright lights).
I have trouble fixing the image so that the overexposed area is better visible.
When I reduce the exposure of the entire image in Aperture down to -2, I can see that there's still enough detail in the RAW img to make this look good.
However, Aperture does not offer a brush for the Exposure setting. Having searched the 'net, I found lots of suggestions to use "Levels" or "Curves" instead for brushing these areas. But when I try these options, I find that I do not get the same good result as I get when reducing the overall exposure.
Here's how it looks with default exposure:
And how the lit areas should look (with Exposure set to -2):
But when I try the Curves brush, the best I can achieve (by using the Extended Range and moving the white point to the right) like this, which isn't satisfying:
Can someone suggest how I solve this? Other than using a image editing program to cut and paste parts of the corrected (Exposure -2) image into the "normal" image?
If Aperture is just not capable of it, could Lightroom do this?
BTW, if you like to try for yourself (and help me immensely with it), here's the original RAW file in PEF format: Arcade.PEF, 24 MB. Note - downloading may add an incorrect .tiff extension - remove it so that it's named "Arcade.PEF" before you open it.