I recently purchased a 7D (with the intent of using its movie capability as well). I will share my experience.
Like the 5DMkII, the 7D allows you to autofocus during shooting by pressing the shutter button/AF button. As che suggests in his answer for the 5D, the results are poor if you do this during your live shoot and I would definitely not recommend it.
My focusing workflow: before I start recording, I use autofocus to focus on the target area, and then whilst filming I use manual ring focus. I found that using the ring focus in this way was much easier than I thought and it also gives far more control over what you can do.
My old video camera was a far cheaper auto focusing one. Often I wanted to be able to have full control over the focus, either because it would do it wrong or I wanted to do something more creative. Now I can, and I am not sure I have much desire for full time auto focus for most of the stuff I am shooting...