I often take large landscape panoramas of 100+ 21MPixel images. Quite often some of the images do not contain sharp, well defined elements that can be detected by automatic control point detectors. Typical examples of such cases are clear sky, clouds our water surfaces.
I use hugin on linux for the automatic control point generations. The quality of control points is often bad in images without well defined edges and the later stitching either takes very long as the optimization converges slowly or fails. Usually such images are placed in funny ways, even rotated.
Dropping such images is usually not an option as replacing these images with either black or white background ruins the rest of the panorama.
What could be a solution? Is there a way to put those images into their place? It is possible to move around images in the hugin preview windows, however the resolution is not good enough for accurate placing. It is also very tedious as severals 10s of images might have to be positioned.
I look for an automated solution if possible.