If you don't mind spending money, Corel's AfterShot Pro (formerly Bibble) is a great piece of easy-to-use software. I find it as easy to use as Darktable (which is my favourite F/OSS raw tool), but also somewhat prefer it's rendering.
There are a few other reasons that I use ASP as well. There are several good/useful plugins available, and the big one: Adjustment layers.
Darktable is coming along nicely, and they have some VERY intelligent contributors. Lots of good help on freenode's #darktable IRC channel too.
It's also worth noting that you can try ASP for 30 days, so you don't have to commit just to try it. Also, look around for deals, I don't think I would have purchased ASP at the MSRP, but I got mine for under 50 bucks, which I think is reasonable.