I've been using my 1000D for 2 years now with the kit 18-55mm lens and for about a year now I've got it a bigger brother, a 55-250mm F4.0 IS lens, with the latter being on my body most of the time.
I've been looking for a few days now for a lens that would be a good all-round lens for my camera and was thinking about the 24-105mm F4.0L IS USM, because I like to take portraits, street photography and directed portraits.
Also, occasionally, I take landscape photography. So, in conclusion, I'm mostly looking for a lens that is sharp throughout the suitable range for portraits and give me the chance to take landscape photos.
I have found that the 24-70mm F2.8L USM could almost be a great lens for these jobs, but I would like to know if the price difference is worth it.
I am asking this question is because I haven't had the chance to test any of these two lenses, only by reading reviews, so I would appreciate it if there is anyone who used both of them or at least one and could share opinions about sharpness and IQ.
The reviews I've read comparing the 24-70 to 24-105 say that the 24-70 is sharper and is obviously faster/brighter than it's longer brother.
So, my post could be summarized to answering these questions:
Is the extra 35mm in the 24-105mm worth more than the difference of sharpness between the lenses?
Is the 24-70mm sharp enough for portraits at the the longer end?
Is the bokeh difference more pleasant on the 24-70mm?
Also I think I should mention that In the future I am thinking of upgrading to the 60D or 7D. Which combination of lenses/body do you think would be better?
Thank you in advance for your answers!