No. Do not buy an adapter. Any adapter for Minolta MD lenses to Nikon bodies will either sacrifice the ability to focus to infinity or require a (usually cheap, low quality single) lens element for infinity focus. This is a simple consequence of the Nikon lens mount sitting further away from the body than on the manual Minolta MD system. Short of rebuilding the lens mount for a Nikon, you will be limited in your use of these lenses. These lenses offer nothing special and may even suffer from color fringing when used on a modern digital sensor.
Tilt shift requires the lens cover a larger image circle than the film/sensor. In theory, the crop body has some room to play with full frame lenses, but frankly, you're wasting your time. Consider that this is coming from someone with over 200 lenses and shoots half frame 35mm to 8x10 and only uses two Canon lenses on a 5DII - out of my 30 most used lenses for that camera. I'm hardly opposed to experimentation, but the result here is well understood and not better or cheaper than buying a 75-150/3.5 Series E Nikon lens.
Donation, teaching (or learning) 35mm film, or adaptation to smaller digicams (e.g. NEX, m4/3, etc.) are your best options here.
Adam Lipstadt