In researching aspect ratios, I came across this charming article from an 1875 journal of photography, which mentions as changes in fashion of photography the "Adam-Salomon and Rembrandt styles". This wasn't relevant to what I was looking for, but caught my eye as interesting.
Rembrandt lighting is considered one of the fundamentals today. Adam-Salomon didn't completely fade into the mists of time, but I doubt many people have heard of him. The Wikipedia article says:
Adam-Salomon's portrait photographs were considered to be among the best examples in existence during his lifetime, and were renowned for their chiaroscuro produced by special lighting techniques.
I have a basic understanding of chiaroscuro — one of a handful of things I remember from high school art class! — but what was Adam-Salomon's special lighting technique? I assume it is related to Rembrandt lighting, but is it identical? In modern usage, a "trademark" of Rembrandt lighting is a triangle of light under the eye; is there something similar implied by this style?
Is it really as distinctive as the references make it seem to be? What exactly are the "special lighting techniques" referred to in the Wikipedia quote? Is it something which has survived today, perhaps by a different name?
What do I need to replicate this technique, and how might I go about it?