I enjoy making time-lapse pictures with my Coolpix s550 and software. However, the shortest interval for the s550 is 30 seconds. I would like to know if there is a camera for under $150 that has shorter time intervals... perhaps ~5 second intervals or less?
3 Answers
Brinno make a specialized time-lapse camera for $149 Sold by Photojojo and others
- weather resistant (don't have to risk your SLR getting soaked)
- has normal and macro lens setting macro is about 19" or .5m
- six standard time settings of 1 minute, 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1, 4 and 24 hours
- one custom time setting you can program anywhere between 5 seconds and 12 hours
battery life (4 AA)
- @5 second setting, will capture 28000 frames over 38 hours
- @24 hour setting, will capture 200 frames over 200 days
\$\begingroup\$ Cool product. I like that it is weather resistant. However, Photojojo says that it has "6 easy frame interval settings from 1 minute to 24 hours." \$\endgroup\$– SeanCommented Dec 27, 2011 at 5:01
1\$\begingroup\$ It has standard intervals of 1m, 5m, 30m, 1h, 4h and 24h. There is also a custom setting, which you can alter via a program when it's connected to your computer via a USB, and that can be set from 5 seconds to 24 hours. I'll update the answer with more info. \$\endgroup\$– MikeWCommented Dec 27, 2011 at 5:15
Quite a lot of video cameras have a timelapse option built in.
I have one from Samsung (I can't remember the model number) depending on the quality of the photos you need, a video camera may be suitable.