Say there's a camera sensor, in a given time, a pixel sensor (abstract a group of subpixels from Bayer filter into one indivisible pixel) can only be activated when more than 10 photons hit it, after that, the pixel sensor is able to record photons by a scale of 1, like 11 photons, 12 photons, etc. And at the maximum, it can record 16,000 photons.
What, then, is the minimum signal level? Would it be 10 or 1?
Or would it be impossible for the sensor to have smaller steps (1, in this example) than the activation requirement (which is 10)?
Another example (which might not fit in Photography) is a thermometer, if a thermometer can record from -30 degrees celsius to 70 degrees celsius, what would be the "dynamic range" of this thermometer?