TL/DR: Is there a way to be able to wirelessly tether with the live preview up to 300ft (91m) away.
I have a Canon Rebel T7i with in-built WiFi that I can use for tethering to my phone for controlling the camera, live view preview, and taking pictures. The problem with the in-built Wifi is the range, even outdoors with no obstructions, is only about about 30ft (9m). It increases some if I disable the live view preview, but that only gets me about 60ft (18m). Is there a way to be able to wirelessly tether with the live preview up to 300ft (91m) away.
I want to be able to use this system while backpacking, so a weight of under ~5lbs (2.2kg) is desirable.
I'm open to changing cameras if it makes things easier.
I've looked at Wi-Fi range extenders, but from my understanding they won't reach that distance. I also thought about a POV drone transmitter, but as far as I can tell that is video only and won't work with tethering.
Thanks for the time and any help.
Edit: The need for long range live view is because the camera itself will be on a moveable mount and I want to be able to see where it is currently pointing at.