Hello fellow photographers! I'm hoping the group here can help me with a mystery. I recently bought a bulk loader for 35mm film from eBay. When it came, I noticed that it already had film in it. When I asked the seller, they said that they didn't have any information on where it came from. It doesn't look like any of the color or black and white film stocks I've ever seen. Unexposed film is tan/yellow on the back, and pink on the emulsion side. When left out in light, it turns to an olive green.
Since I could see no markings, I decided to attempt to develop a small roll of it with T-Max black and white developer. I have heard that you can do that with color film, you just won't get the color negatives you normally would with C-41, you'll get black and white images. The film developed, but strangely. You could definitely tell where it had been exposed to light when loading, because those areas were dark olive green and opaque. Where the film should have had images on it was a metallic green sheen on the emulsion side. No images. However, I did get some markings on the sprocket hole area:
"EASTMAN 23 |+|:"
triangle, square and another triangle.
I've tried several experiments, but none have yielded images. I thought I'd see what the group here knew before spending any further effort on this.