As you can see in the screenshot, I have two images of an almost identical landscape. In the left image (reference photo) a photo filter has been applied from Instagram. In the right image, no filter has been used, it's just a simple shot without the usage of any IG-filter. Now I want to "reproduce" or "recreate" all the color properties of the reference photo as good as possible.
Further clarification: I'm all about the color properties and the overall look of the reference photo e.g. the color of the sky, the color of the field which is more borwn-ish/orange-ish in the reference photo, the slight blurryness of the reference photo that is close to photos taken on film.
I've already tried the color match tool in photoshop but I wasn't quite happy with the results. Therefore I was about to start to tweak parameters until I get a very similar result, like the reference photo. At this point I asked myself what is the best and most effective method to start with to achieve this goal.
Can anyone please tell me the most effective method to achieve this goal? Is there a good way to start with when trying to solve such kind of problems? (e.g. which parameters would you start tweaking at first and so on)