I plan to take long exposure photos of the night sky, anywhere between 1-2 mins to 8-10 mins ( i will figure out the exact time through trial and error ).
Is there any specific precautions i should take purely for the safety of camera ?
I am not asking about tips to get good image quality ( using tripods, what aperture to usee, pick dark location, cloudless sky etc.).
I am also not asking about physical safety of the object ( falling over with wind, getting stolen etc. ) or about carrying spare batteries . I will be accounting for all these other issues.
I am talking purely about any possible damage to the mechanisms or working of the camera. Like maybe some harm to camera, due to shutter staying open for long, or sensor being exposed for long , or some other part/mechanism/electronics leading to some problem ( i have no idea what).
I am using Nikon D5600 with the default kit lens Nikkor AF-P 18-55 mm 1:3.5:5.6 G VR