I had asked a question previously here which though not duplicate but is related to this. Asking this one as I feel it is different. My question is basically related to colour balancing/colour correction in raw image,post processing tools.
- I give as input to Adobe-PS, a raw captured, DNG file for post processing. This DNG file has a) A Raw bayer 16-bit per sample data. b) A preview RGB image of smaller size. c) Lot of metadata.
Then I just save this image opened in Adobe-PS as a BMP file. i.e. no processing/filtering is done in Adobe-PS.
Then I modify the Colour matrices metadata information present in the DNG files and repeat steps above. The outputs are differemt.
Exactly Which metadata information from the DNG file or from its own database, does Adobe-PS use to perform colour balancing/colour correction. The DNG file has below tags which I thought are related to Colour balancing- a) AS shot whtie XY b) 2-Color matrices1 c) Calibration Illuminant 1/2
I know for sure that Adobe definitely uses Color matrix information as I explained above.
But my question is along with these matrices, Adobe sure seems to use something else/or uses these matrices after some scaling or in a different way, because when I use these matrices in my own image processing tool, they produce a different output/colours. So in what all ways and how does adobe differ in colour balancing/correction is done.
P.S. I did not see any XMP metadata files which could have some colour profile info in Adobe installation folders or in some other Adobe folders on my PC. But I did notice a lot of files in a folder called Presets(image shown below) in Adobe installation. What are these files and what info they contain?
includes different gradient settings for use in i.a. gradient-tool and gradient overlay -effect; andBlack and White/
includes preset settings for Black & White tool found under Image → Adjustments. I think they are not relevant for this question. \$\endgroup\$