I recently found myself to not have much time editing photos during the day (which I usually do), so I considered doing it during the night. However, I am not quite sure if it should be done. Here are my questions:
I do have a nightmode/blue filter enabled from sunset to sunrise which reduces the amount of blue from my screen (this is because blue light can reduce the production of the "sleep hormone" melatonin). Of course, this completely messes around with the color as white is now some sort of yellow/orange. While it does look very strange when the nightmode turns on, after a while it looks normal and white again. So does a blue filter alter your perception of color (e.g. white balance) when editing?
There is another thing that might be a problem (regardless of whether one uses a blue filter or not): During the night, it is obviously dark, so you turn on artificial light. These often have a yellow tint, could this also influence color perception?
So: should one edit photos at night/in the dark?
(I hope that this is not too vague because it is technically two questions, but I think they are too closely linked to be asked separately.)
Right-click | disable for <x time>
was very handy when editing photos at night. \$\endgroup\$