I notice that when I pick a color channel such as red in the HSL/ColorMixer tool and adjust the hue, the amount of hue adjustment in degrees is not the same for an equal increase in hue versus an equal decrease in hue.
For example, if I create an image that contains only pure red rgb values (255,0,0) and increase the hue in the red channel by +100, the resulting pixels hue has changed by +32 degrees. But if I decrease the hue by -100, then the hue changes by -23 degrees.
Furthermore, if I try this with pure green pixels (0,255,0) and adjust the green channel, or pure blue pixels (0,0,255) and adjust the blue channel, then the results are still asymmetric in each direction but completely different in terms of red vs green vs blue.
So I guess I am wondering what the +/- 100 Hue adjust really means and why is it not consistent for each pure color when adjusting for that same chosen color channel?