I'm wanting to dig into wildlife photography more intentionally. From what I've read on wildlife photography this means I need to learn about the animals I want to take pictures of. Specifically their behavior, what they eat, when they're out, where they hang out in different seasons, how to not stress them, etc. However I'm struggling to know where to find the resources to get this kind of information on animals. Where are good resources for finding information specific to animal behavior? What are the right things to search for (online or in the library)? Is animal behavior the right term? How do I limit my search to what I need to know for wildlife photography without getting bogged down in unrelated, albeit valuable, topics?
Also, I've heard of people talking to biologists, but since I'm a very amateur photographer is this appropriate? And where are these biologists? I don't want to be a bother to a biologist since I'm just a hobbyist.