I have a set of 200+ RAW files that need to process for a timelapse. They were taken in a 30s time interval during sunrise. I had to change the shutter time several times to adjust exposure on the images.
My usual process is to load files in Photoshop Elements. Here I have a set of preferences I can adjust:
I adjust all of them, and wouldn't want to miss any.
However, the set of RAW files I have now requires me to adjust some of these settings individually. Say: first image +1.0EV, last image -1.0EV, interpolation in between. Similar procedure for the temperature.
This is quite cumbersome with the given software. I have to play around a lot to find good settings, manually doing this is not an option.
I am familiar with Python and was looking into rawpy and rawkit. As far as I could tell, they obviously don't have the same functionality. At least the "Clarity" function is not available.
I would like to know what (other) options I do have to do this? What is your experience?