Hello i am looking for simple way to scan film negatives in a reproducable manner. I want to be able to judge and compare my exposures across films.I own an Epson v550 and after fiddeling around with EpsonScan, Silverfast, VueScan, ColorPerfect and negfix8 i came to the conclusion, that i can get good results and good looking images but on the other hand every software does some kind of coloradjustments wich are decided on a by-picture-rule. So all the pictures get colorgraded with different values and you can only give a hint(by choosing a film type) in wich direction the colorgrading should go. The other end of the line would be scan raw, invert and edit myself. But this seems as a bad starting point for editing, because at first i have to get rid of filmtint and apply my own subjectiv color grading. So my idea was:
- take a photograph of an it8 target under controlled light conditions with perfect exposure for middle grey on every filmroll(assuming imperfections in C-41 development) or at best for every filmtype.
- create an icc film profile with vuescan with these negatives.
- Get agnostic scans with no colorshift or software biases and with the colors as the film manufacturer intended.
I cannot test this by myself without buying vuescan and some it8 targets so i wanted to ask beforehand if somebody has more experience and can answere me the following questions:
- Has this already been done and i can download filmtype profiles somewhere? If not, why not and whats the problem i dont see?
How are the scanned images going to look like? Will they look flat and will it be harder to achieve a good look of the image by editing? My thinking is, that it will not give me the perfect image but a good startingpoint for editing.
Will this destroy the look of the film because all films will look the same after profiling?
- Is there a better way to get reproducable and accurate scans?
I dont want to delete the "film" from Filmphotography, because then i could just shoot digital. But i want to be able to compare my results.