I'm just starting out with astrophotography and have read that this years most spectacular meteor shower display (at least where I live in Canberra, Australia) will be the Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower:
May 5, 6 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Eta Aquarids are a light shower, usually producing about 10 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower's peak usually occurs on May 5 & 6, however viewing should be good on any morning from May 4 - 7. A thin, crescent moon will set early in the evening leaving dark skies for what could be an good show. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Aquarius. Best viewing is usually to the east after midnight, far from city lights.
As I am new to this, I'm not too sure what settings I will need to use. I'd like to avoid star trails that may distract from the meteor itself. Advice on focal length, shutter speed, aperature and ISO would be appreciated. I'm using a 550D if that is relevant to the ISO recommendation.