Sorry for the stupid question. I take pictures/videos with both (1) iPhone 8 and (2) Sony DSC-WX350.
I notice that when images are taken during sunset at 7pm with my back toward the sun (i.e. facing away from the sun, no glare) my face/skin appears orange. But if taken later at 8pm after the sunset, the face/skin appears normal white.
At 7pm during sunset, there is no average white color, but rather extremes between ultra-pale (in the line of the sun) and ultra-orange (away from the sun). I am using default settings on both cameras.
Is there some spectrum distortion responsible for this?
Here's a very rough small video grab (I apologize for the quality, this was the easiest to post/illustrate the problem). The orange image on the left was taken at 7pm and the normal one at 8pm. All other variables are the same -- same location, subject, and camera (iPhone 8 Video Mode). At 7pm, the sun is behind the subject.